Well I have been a little MIA lately! I just haven't been in the bloggy mood and I have also been super busy with my new little gig I got going at The Sweet Spot. Not only am I baking anything and EVERYTHING in the shop, but I'm also manging it as well. I hire (fire) and manage all of the (sometimes VERY difficult) employees. Its still not full time (just 3 days a week) job but I am thinking about the shop CONSTANTLY. This job is literally my dream come true. I basically get to run my own business and do things my way without the financial burden. I am best friends with the owner and we have become very close throughout this whole process. I wake up everyday VERY tired but feeling VERY blessed!
On a different note... My sister got a new camera a few months back and has recently developed a love for photography. here are some of the pictures she has taken of our little family of 3...
Is this not the sassiest little girl EVER
Happy (almost) Wednesday y'all!